And you will benefit from it, too, with all the food you get to eat and enjoy. Over time, your garden will benefit from the information you’re keeping. This can help you to then plan your future garden seasons. The benefits of using a garden planner include not forgetting past experiences, both good and bad. There’s also a better chance of remembering if you write it down. I’d rather spend my mental resources trying to figure out ways to improve instead of trying to remember details I didn’t write down. It’s easy to say, “Oh I’ll remember that, I don’t need to write that down, how could I possibly forget?” Until the next “oh I’ll remember that” moment. Were there any issues this month? Pests? Fungus? Mysterious MIA fruit? When was the first frost? What did I do right? What did I do wrong? I keep track of what I plant and when I plant it.

I design my garden on paper first each season. But my future growing seasons’ success depends on my garden planner. My current growing season’s success depends on me doing the legwork – watering, planting, pest mitigation. You can also call it a notebook or journal. I find that one of the most useful garden tools, perhaps the most important tool, is using a Garden Planner. I do the same thing when it comes to my garden. And it allows us to make our thoughts and dreams a reality. It lifts a weight off you so you do not feel pressured to remember something. Many well-known entrepreneurs recommend it, too. I took multiple courses in college where my professors recommended always keeping a notebook close by. That way I have a record that I can look back on to see what worked and what didn’t for future growing seasons. I use my garden planner to plan future growing seasons, and also to track past growing seasons.

In this article, I’m going to share with you how to plan and track your garden by using a garden planner. Writing down what’s going on in your garden can create the opportunity for success. Other pages include long-term goals that may take a year to complete. Some pages have short-term items and only used for the day. It’s where I jot down my thoughts, write down grocery lists, and create my to-do lists. Though if you saw my purse, that’s not saying much 🙂 Mary Poppins, anyone? It’s how I stay organized. I almost always have a notebook and pen on me – one small enough to fit in my purse. There are so many thoughts rolling around in my head, I wouldn’t be able to remember them unless I wrote them down. I love it because I’m a forgetful person. Planning is one of my favorite activities.